Advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning mean that not safe for work (NSFW) AI chat systems are better than ever at identifying danger patterns. Such tools can scan millions of messages per minute and flag content that is harmful, explicit or suggestive. For example, a 2021 study from the University of Cambridge highlighted how NLP trained AI systems can identify risky language at around 85-90% accuracy based on text data that helps to reveal phrases imbue inappropriate or harmful intent. It is just something basic for platforms like Discord, and Instagram where millions of interactions are occurring every second.
This includes identifying language with risk, threats, harassment and suggestive content. Algorithm-based NSFW AI chat, where an algorithm analyzes word patterns, tone and context of a conversation. For instance, if aggressive terms are used over and over or specific explicit phrases were present we might be forced to have an automatic flag pushed for human review. But AI has trouble with the nuance and sarcasm of something more subtle, like coded language —and sometimes labeling cases which are not really supportive violence. Estimates are that 10-15% of content flagged as suspicious is actually deemed low-risk upon closer analysis because situational context can be difficult to interpret.
A more high-profile example took place last year surrounding the 2020 U.S. elections, where Twitter’s AI system mistakenly flagged political discourse as unsafe language and sparked a broader debate over whether or not an algorithm should be moderating sensitive conversations. It shows that AI is a cost effective, yet needs improvements to minimise over-censor legitimate speech.
You know as much the great Sundar Pichai of Google himself said, “AI is probably to humanity what agriculture was — we haven’t had greater impact on “humanity” till AI. And while his statement proves the transformative nature of AI in content moderation, it also points out how much room for improvement there is still needed — especially when we consider context and risk.
Nsfw ai chat can answer whether or not dirty language is detect, the system scores very well in figuring out sexually explicit & harmful content but needs human reviewing for further complicated use-cases. Check out nsfw ai chat for how risky language detection works.